Bella Maas Gives Back would like to acknowledge a very special program for the month of October.
Psychosocial and Spiritual Resources, a branch of the Cross Cancer Institute, offers counselling as well as spiritual and emotional support for patients and families with a cancer diagnosis.
October is widely recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Although the programs and services offered by the Psychosocial and Spiritual Resources department are not only for breast cancer patients, we would like to acknowledge the support they offer so many women coping with this specific diagnosis.
These resources are immensely welcoming as they employ Spiritual Care Providers that are clinically trained to provide spiritual and emotional support to people with or without any religious affiliation.
Whether participants need someone to talk to, help dealing with difficult decisions, bereavement counselling, or would like to discuss an array of other concerns and problems they may be experiencing, there is support in place to help them along the way.
Compassion is a leading value among the staff which offers a unique comfort to participants through unimaginably difficult times.
For the entire month of October Bella Maas will be donating a portion of our sales to the department of Psychosocial and Spiritual Resources in Edmonton as an acknowledgement appreciation of their commitment to support patients and families along their cancer journey.
Thank you for your kindness.
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